Is technology the problem?

Timandra Harkness’s new book, Technology is Not the Problem, challenges the frequently expressed view that technology IS the problem. This is understandable because smartphones have become almost ubiquitous in modern society allowing access to social-media services, which have billions of users worldwide.

Few technologies have seen such rapid adoption. Some commentators have pointed to this new technology as an important cause of several social problems that have come to the fore in recent years. But in this case, does correlation really equal causation?

One problem is how we discuss social and political issues. Social media has democratised political debate. But that debate seems increasingly polarised and toxic.

The rise of AI, particularly the ease of making ‘deep fakes’, has complicated matters further, making it harder for voters to figure out what candidates really believe or potentially stirring up conflict.

There are also worries – most prominently expressed by Professor Jonathan Haidt – that spending so much time looking at devices has damaged children’s mental health, sense of independence and concentration spans.

Come along and join in the debate!

Date, Time and Venue: Thursday 19 September, at 19.00 in the Brunswick Inn, Derby.

Tickets for this event are available in advance via Eventbrite (£3 plus fee).

Copies of Timandra’s book will be on sale at the Salon but it is available on Amazon.

Visit Timandra’s website to find out more about her work.